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Friday, September 24, 2021 (17:00 - 18:00) GMT +05:30

Event Details

Leadership Session

Coaching isn't a one-size-fits-all approach. As managers and leaders, we are expected to coach our team members to deliver the desired outcomes and results. Though coaching is a critical component of managing performance, it is a lot more than just being good communicators, as is widely believed. Good coaching begins with accurately diagnosing the employee's specific gaps in skills and attitude and then choosing an appropriate coaching style for that situation. This interactive workshop will help the participants differentiate between different people in their team and map them on a specific scientific basis; provide differentiated inputs and treatment based on the above. It would help the coaches adapt to different types of people and situations to be better coaches and hence better leaders.

A leadership session on flexible and effective coaching along with a technical session on Modern Data Protection.

Modern Data Protection

Data Protection doesn't have to be complex. The threat and costs of a data breach can be devastating. Join us in a quick technical session where we say goodbye to siloed legacy solutions and introduce your organization to modern data protection solutions. Modern Data helps you address the most important aspects of data protection and eliminate the complexity of keeping your data safe and secure leading to a smooth business continuity.

Lots of Prizes to be won

  • Early Birds Prizes
  • Prizes for Quizzes and Polls during the session

